Machine for building supplies
Machines for bricks Vertical straps over the product Strapping head above on product
Machines for bricks Orizontal straps over the product Strapping head above on product
Machines for slit coils
Circumferential straps over the product Strapping head above on product Automatic and manual functionality
Machines for long products (tubes, profiles, pipes,…..)
Vertical straps over the product Strapping head above on product Head (MH611)
Machine for wood
Machines for (wood logs, lumber,….) Vertical straps over the product Strapping head above on product
Vertical straps over the product With top & side corners protection Head (MH611)
Machine for aluminium
Machine for (Ingots) Multiple cross straps over the product Strapping head above on product
Automatic PET and/or STEEL strapping machine
Product: Steel – Slit Coils Packaging: Strap and wrap Weighing and labeling operations
Machines for long products (tubes, pipes, …..)
Vertical straps over product Protection around the product With bayonet fixed arch in machine
Machine for woods
Machines for woods, logs and lumber Vertical straps over the product Strapping head above on product
Máquina de bobina de acero
Máquinas para bobinas de acero Correas verticales sobre el producto Cabezal de flejado en la parte superior del producto
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